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RECIPE: Puppy Chow / Muddy Buddies - A Waist Line Friendly Version

Confession: This recipe isn't paleo, but it is gluten free!

If you are familiar with Puppy Chow or Muddy Buddies you know it isn't the healthiest of options - typically made with peanut butter and confectioner sugar making sticky, sugary, delicious, but not exactly waistline friendly.

Overcome cravings of a crunchy, sweet treat with this childhood favorite. It's a remake and still as tasty, but a little healthier! (scroll down for the recipe)

How to make Protein Puppy Chow / Muddy Buddy Mix

You'll need:

3 cups of rice chex

3 tablespoons of melted peanut butter*

3 tablespoons of melted coconut oil*

2 - 3 scoops of protein powder of choice (we used vanilla)

*melted using the microwave for ease and convenience, however, you could melt on a stove top. Remember slow and low to not burn the peanut butter or coconut oil.

To make:

Pour 3 cups of chex into a large mixing bowl and pour melted peanut butter and melted coconut oil over the chex. Mixing together using a rubber spoon or spatula. Once the mix is well coated, transfer chex into a large bag, and add protein powder. Close bag and shake until chex are well coated.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and pour mixture onto tray and avoid clumps or piles of chex from forming. Place tray in refrigerator for 2 - 3 hours to set. Divide mixture into single servings (approx. 1oz) snack bags and store in the refrigerator.

A note: due to the addition of coconut oil you may notice the chex will become wet or sticky if left sit out, this is simply because the coconut oil is liquefying with the room temperature.


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